3 Things All Dealerships Should Know About Car Buyers
Our previous articles have been largely aimed at buyers, but we would also like to share some insight with all the dealers out there as well. Here are three things all car dealers should know about car buyers: The media make a good living out of demonizing you. During any given week, we (buyers) are sure to find several articles on Yahoo! news, CNN, or one of the other news sites that tells us how car dealers try to screw us over. And when we are actually in the car market, we are flooded with "how-to" articles detailing how to avoid your tricks. The media isn't just making these stories up, though. After all, according to the Better Business Bureau new car dealerships were the 4th most complaint ridden industry in 2009 while used car dealerships ranked 7th. But even still, it seems that whenever it is a slow day on the news desk pumping out another article describing dealers' awfulness is an easy way to produce some content. Buyers' expectations when they walk i...